What's my IP?

Find what's my public IP address
This online service displays your public IP address. This is your WEB-facing address, in most cases the address of your router's WAN adapter. Do not confuse this with your LAN IP address, which is the local IP address of your computer, meant for internal traffic within your company or home network.




If you would like to just get plain text reponse for your IP address or your FQDN Reverse PTR hostname, add parameter ip=1 or fqdn=1 at the end of the URL, for example:

To additionally test for open PORT, use the port= parameter with a single port or comma separated port numbers. This page query limit is set to 10 ports every minute:
If you would like to check different IP for FQDN (Reverse PTR check), just add that IP as a parameter ip= like here:
This page has server-side reate limiting built-in, so please do not try to overuse. I will most probably keep it alive for many years, upgrade it and keep backwards compatibility, but there's no warranty, of course.

Copyright & left, no problem. Scripts and tools presented here are provided by Andrej Pirman alias Labsy. This tool uses only minimal cookies. Data collection provided by Ookla Speedtest service for the purpose of sharing test results for 1 week only. Use this tool at your own will and risk. Powered for free by SGH - Hostmachine.NET hosting service.

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